
Showing posts from March, 2021

Weekend Reflection 3

  "Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together." This reflects the teaching practice from 15th February 2021 to 20th February 2021.  The story, The Trio was taken.  The students responded well to all the activities as well as queries. An acheivement test was put on the unit Enlightening Souls and was attended by 19 students. The test was conducted via Google form. I ensured the scores by manually checking each responses. A lesson on relative pronouns was taken , based on Advance Organiser Model. Clarification of the doubts were done using Whatsapp as well as through Google Meet. The week flooded me with love from my students.   


  Click BELOW to access the innovative lesson plan : Innovative lesson plan

Peer teaching

  My peer teaching phase started from 24th of February 2021 and ended by 4th of March 2021. The group contained Aleena Sara Elias, Anoop Abraham, Jiya Rachel Mathew and Meera S Nair. The topics i took were Taj Mahal, The Last Leaf and The Song of the Flower. I also got a chance to teach my juniors through synchronous mode of teaching. It was an enriching experience.